Friday, November 27, 2009

Rememberance Candles

Today I started playing around with an idea, personalizing candles. I knew it wasn't going to be easy but thought it would be interesting trying. A rememberance candle doesn't have to be for those that we have lost, they can be for any occassion. This is the result.


  1. There are many different reasons for a Remberance Candle, not just for a pet that has gone to the Bridge. Baby's birth, first birthday, special visited place on a trip, wedding, 60th birthday to mention only a few. If the photo is high quality then it can be put on a rememberance candle. Each candle is protected by a heavy duty plastic wrap.

  2. They really do look awesome, thank you Liz for my lovely Rememberance Candle for Karly. I will definately be saving it for when she passes over the Rainbow Bridge

  3. Liz they look great. Just love them and what a awesome idea.
